Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Righting the boat

I capsized my practice recently, just tipped right over and fell out. I got to a point where I came up against a wall, and then just flipped the boat. Ten thousand things crashed in, and I went below water. All of the old coping strategies were sampled, once again clinging desperately to old habits, although I knew they would fail. They did not disappoint. This morning in the zendo, I came up for air, righted the boat, and got back to zazen. Boat, water,!


Chris Lane said...

Isn't it interesting how different doing the wrong thing is when you know it as the wrong thing at (or close to :-) the time? So different from believing that one deserves whatever break from the path one is craving.


Nikko said...

A deep bow.

Behind the craving, no mind
Delusion masquerades as choice
Be present!
