Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Energy in the Zendo

There is nothing like sitting in the zendo the morning after sesshin has ended. At the zendo I attend, many participants gather the after sesshin ends for informal sitting and a brunch. The first time I joined a sitting during this period, although I had not attended sesshin, I was stunned. Electric air, a clear stillwater lake at sunrise. What dharma transmission is this?

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Zazen And The Suffering Of Others

Can the zazen of one person help others who are suffering?

We don't really know until we see for ourselves

The first vow is liberating all beings. It's practice begins by sitting on the cushion, with our own suffering, attachments, aversions, and hungers. We teach by our actions in the world, including the time we dedicate to zazen. Seeing this, or simply finding the stillpoint when with one who is suffering, demonstrates what is possible. It is transmission, in a very small way, that all are endowed with enlightenment, here and now.

What is the brush of a cupped hand on a cheek, a fully attentive gaze, a softly spoken "I'm so sorry"?