Sunday, November 04, 2007

Householder Zazen

As a householder, finding space for zazen is hard. The distractions and demands of family and work make it difficult. Most teachers recommend setting aside a special space for zazen, uncluttered, light, and free of distractions. I suspect they have no children, nor live in a smaller house. Perhaps fitting, my cushion and mat are in nestled in a family area, facing a curtained window, with my back to the scattered toys. My children's schedule changes, and so! The time set aside for zazen is taken by a different obligation. Ho! Time to beg for new space.


Anonymous said...

But the household is your practice. No attachment, no aversion.

Chris Lane said...

Practicing with children around is a fast track to knowing how good it is to have no expectations. I have a similar place that I sit in; sometimes I face the toys as well. I also sit on the zafu in half lotus while reading good night stories and on those nights when sitting near the kids for a few minutes after lights out seems needed.

Chris Lane said...

Practicing with children around is a fast track to knowing how good it is to have no expectations. I have a similar place that I sit in; sometimes I face the toys as well. I also sit on the zafu in half lotus while reading good night stories and on those nights when sitting near the kids for a few minutes after lights out seems needed.